Student Helpline | Design Technofy
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Architecture Student Helpline

As there is enormous amount of parallel deadlines for students in majority of colleges, we are open to all the students in providing a helping hand.


We definitely understand that pressure of submission and assignments is tremendous and not every student is able to complete the work on time due to any reason. And colleges fail to provide a helping hand many times.


To be honest, not every student has a family member relating to architecture, and those who have, don't always reach the higher goals they need. Not everyone gets juniors to complete their work and they end up getting lower grades and un-countable amount of pressure. And their peers get away with really bad submissions. Grades decide your future.


Don't give up ! We are here for you. We understand that with a little guidance, you can get back on track. There is no shame to get outside help in such times of need when peers and juniors let us down.


Contact us, tell us what you need to be done, even get some guidance on how to proceed. We are not here to judge you or let you down. We are here to help, be it 3D modelling, rendering, presentation, drawings or even something as small as understanding a project brief.

Architecture Student Helpline, Design Technofy

Sheet Composition

Architecture Student Helpline, Design Technofy


Architecture Student Helpline, Design Technofy

3D Modelling

Architecture Student Helpline, Design Technofy

CAD drawings

Architecture Student Helpline, Design Technofy

3D Rendering

Architecture Student Helpline, Design Technofy

Software Tech

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Contact us on Whatsapp / Instagram / Website for query.


- We will keep your name anonymous and won't showcase your work anywhere


- Your privacy is our first priority.

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