Evaluation System | Design Technofy
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Evaluation System for Certificate

At Design Technofy, we believe in evaluating the performance of the students pursuing different courses in architectural softwares from every aspect.

Students’ performance is evaluated on the basis of the following factors-

- Academic performance

- Dedication

- Enthusiasm

- Attendance

- Classroom projects

- Report file and practices.

Evaluation Structure

With the completion of each software, students are required to complete all the classroom projects and final project report and submit it. These classroom projects add an important segment to your overall performance of the course. Please keep these things in mind while working on projects.


  • Practical assessments are rigorously scrutinized by Design Technofy.

  • Students are awarded marks on the basis of their attendance, conduct & behavior, classroom projects, and final project report submission.

  • Delay in submission of classroom projects and report file on the given date is not entertained.

  • Project submission is strictly mandatory for all the candidates else we will not issue any certificate to him or her.

Marking Scheme and Grading

We are using a grading system in order to judge a student’s capability and knowledge. These will decide how well a candidate has performed in the tasks and assessments given to them during his or her course. 


After the completion of course, student will be given time depending on course to complete the project and submit the final work for evaluation.

Marking Scheme

Total (100%) = Classroom homework (30%) + Project (30%) + Behaviour (10%) + Attendance (30%)

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